Monthly Archives: October 2012

  • Halloween

    By far and away my favourite festival of the year, Halloween has been steadily growing in the UK for some time, gravitating from humble trick-or-treat beginnings to full-blown crazy party madness that some, (including myself), plan 365 days in advance.  No sooner has the dawn crept up on the 1st November than I am plotting …

  • Birthday bashing

    I’ve neglected my writings of late, settling instead for building perfect model Spitfires, watching amazing new Bond films and chasing my first threesome.  The past week in a nutshell.  Fitting then that I should write about my birthday night out, which just so happened to be one of the most unusual I have ever had.  The quiet …

  • Childish

    I actually have no idea how I was managing to write every day when absolutely nothing of interest has happened in the past eon.  Of course it might have something to do with the fact that I’m lying around on my arse all day doing nothing at all constructive except for watching films and picking …

  • Autumn

    It appears that the fruits of my labours before, during and after the greatest first date in the history of first dates have fallen on deaf ears, taking their (leaf) from the baring trees.  Not for the first time affections lie elsewhere and I’m left to rue what might have been.  Once again the proverbial …

  • The perfect date

    After a year away I have come to the decision to stop writing an entry every day.  This has come about twofold; one, because I’ve fallen into something of a rut and have very little interesting to say, and two, I’m boring both myself and you, dear readers, with trivialities.  Therefore in an effort to …
