Monthly Archives: April 2015

  • Pristina

    Attempting to travel from Skopje to Belgrade via Pristina isn’t a good idea.  This is a region on tenterhooks, as the Serbian government still doesn’t properly recognise Kosovo as a legitimate country.  Locals can come and go freely, but those sporting a different passport will most likely have difficulty crossing from Kosovo into Serbia and …

  • Skopje

    “We’re buying chocolate when we can’t afford bread”, or words to that effect, apparently delivered by the Macedonian government’s opposition leader in response to the state of the country today.  He’s got a point.  As I cross a new border in for what feels like forever, I’m struck by how much of the countryside could …

  • Travel thievery

    Several eventful weekends have been and gone, including a flying visit from my friend Mike, which did not disappoint.  Wildman Wallace never fails to cause a stir, which unfortunately culminated in his wallet being stolen by some pock faced drug dealing dwarf.  Unfortunately the thievery didn’t stop there, and just a few short days later …

  • Women eh? Rolls eyes*

    Ok so here we go with backdating stuff that’s happened in the past month, this entry taking place on the 8th of March. I’ve been having a jolly old time in Sofia as per norm, rattling around on the bar crawl, sleeping until four, and generally making a nuisance of myself.  A small hostel family …

  • New website!

    Hello again!  How I’ve missed you all!  You may have wondered where on God’s green earth I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. Fear not dearest readers, for I will regale all. The reason I have not been knocking out prose with wild abandon and detailing my recent deep debauchery, is because I’ve been …
