Monthly Archives: February 2013

  • He giveth and he taketh away

    Looming over me from the grammar shadow in the corner was my first lesson teaching tenses.  I was thankful that it was relatively straightforward, explaining the difference between going to and I will.  Give ’em an activity, tell ’em what they got wrong, draw a few timelines and other squiggles on the white board, kid on …

  • Bitter; adjective. Cynical; adjective. Cupid; noun and bastard.

    I’ve just got in from another day of hell learning how to teach English.  I have been told a dozen more words and other such terminology I’ve never heard of.  I cannot explain tenses.  I don’t know what a gerund is.  I had to look up the words for this title to see what form …

  • S.A.D

    Having a series of people cancel their planned visits to see you/Budapest and being told by someone you highly regard that the only reason they liked you was because they were hung up on someone else, all within the space of a couple of days has its draw backs.  I also start my TEFL course …
