Monthly Archives: April 2012

  • Argentinian meat

    After the healthy excursions of yesterday’s mountain bike trek, today is a day of R&R.  There isn’t much on the agenda, except repair my back pack, buy a couple of laundry bags, lift some money, get some new contact lenses, and pick up a pair of wacky green European Championship Irish supporting pants for Paddy.  …

  • Waterfalls and full moons

    It is with some surprise that I wake to find I’m still lying where I fell asleep.  I didn’t cannonball out of bed, nor did I sleep walk into someone elses.  I’m feeling like day of the living dead, but that’s all going to be cured with today’s activity.  We’re going to explore the waterfall …

  • The Old Hag

    I’ve woken up to be dragged out of bed and bundled onto a bus to Banos by Paddy.  He’s not standing on ceremony and wants to put serious distance between himself and this crack den.  I’m all over the shop as I say my goodbyes to the new hostel buddies, ooze into a taxi and …

  • On it. Again

    I’m straight back on it as soon as I wake up.  I’ve no idea why, but I’ve got an itch and it hasn’t been scratched.  For some strange reason, I end up tanking it all day today, actually to the point of drinking the bar dry of beer.  I’m really the only one at it …

  • Blood on the guitar strings

    Today is all about tonight, and boy does it kick off.  We’re in the hostel bar early doors and it’s covered with balloons and streamers.  The kilt is on, the liquor flowing, and the night gears up to get very messy indeed.  You know it’s going to be mental when we’re drawing thongs on each …

  • Journey to the centre of the world

    Hangover nonsense in the morning as usual, so we’re not in a fit state to do anything.  We’ve managed to accumulate two English girls who want to visit the centre of the world today.  Apparently with Ecuador right on the Equator, you can visit latitude 00,00,00, and get your passport stamped to say you were …

  • Ecuador!

    Today is a total write off.  I’ve yet again attempted to cross a border when there is a holiday going on.  As ever leaving a country is no problem, especially as most would be glad to see the back of me.  Getting in is a different matter. Border crossings for me have always been unnerving …

  • Dog burger

    This traveling quickly malarkey does have its drawbacks.  I’m falling massively behind in my writing, demonstrated by the fact that I’m attempting this entry nearly a week later.  I will apologise if the accuracy is sketchy.  Also I seem to be on a bus more often than not, which is not a pleasant experience.  The …

  • Shake, rattle and roll

    Little do we know we’re going from the sublime to the ridiculous that almost makes the purity of yesterday obsolete.  Waking early, we both make the executive decision to go right back to bed.  Partly due to how tired we are, partly due to a sore saddle arse.  We’re walking like John Wayne to breakfast …

  • A near perfect day

    Stupid o’clock for the bus to San Augstin in the morning and with a bit of luck we’ll run into the girls again.  By girls I mean Dani.  What we’re not prepared for is the utter ridiculousness of the road conditions.  Everywhere I’ve been so far in Colombia I’ve managed to get there via decent …
