I awake in a boat. On a driveway. The Boatel. This was after our first night in San Diego meeting the rest of the charity rally team, who all seem jolly nice and up for a laugh. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone and the challenge of the days ahead. Unless of course I end up hating everyone which is more than likely. The team consists of:
Murray Johnson, American
Ryan Walker, British
Peter Cwalinski, American
Oda Heier, Norwegian
Micheal Falcone, American
Joanna Meade, British
…and little old me of course.
So a busy day is ahead of us. We need to prepare both ambulances and get one on the road this evening. This involves washing, maintenance, applying the stickers and decals, and arranging a photo shoot and press afternoon. It’s all hands to the pumps, a lot of fun, and very exciting. We are delivering two ambulances to hospitals in Honduras, both of which don’t have any, so it’s a worthwhile cause and a crazy adventure at the same time.
The first team gets underway at around 9pm, and the remaining group, including myself, head for a bite to eat and drink. It’s a fun evening which involves me getting a little drunk and playing a bit of guitar to a generally disinterested audience. Badly. Still I was a damn site better than the guy who’s gig it actually was, strangling a cat and murdering every decent song ever written. How he got a slot at a busy pub I don’t know. My own wasted warbling was the perfect way to introduce myself to my companions for the next three weeks. Not.
The adventure begins
I awake in a boat. On a driveway. The Boatel. This was after our first night in San Diego meeting the rest of the charity rally team, who all seem jolly nice and up for a laugh. I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone and the challenge of the days ahead. Unless of course I end up hating everyone which is more than likely. The team consists of:
Murray Johnson, American
Ryan Walker, British
Peter Cwalinski, American
Oda Heier, Norwegian
Micheal Falcone, American
Joanna Meade, British
…and little old me of course.
So a busy day is ahead of us. We need to prepare both ambulances and get one on the road this evening. This involves washing, maintenance, applying the stickers and decals, and arranging a photo shoot and press afternoon. It’s all hands to the pumps, a lot of fun, and very exciting. We are delivering two ambulances to hospitals in Honduras, both of which don’t have any, so it’s a worthwhile cause and a crazy adventure at the same time.
The first team gets underway at around 9pm, and the remaining group, including myself, head for a bite to eat and drink. It’s a fun evening which involves me getting a little drunk and playing a bit of guitar to a generally disinterested audience. Badly. Still I was a damn site better than the guy who’s gig it actually was, strangling a cat and murdering every decent song ever written. How he got a slot at a busy pub I don’t know. My own wasted warbling was the perfect way to introduce myself to my companions for the next three weeks. Not.