Author Archives: Stoo

  • Remembering dad

    My new travel with pace mantra is working wonders.  I’m out of the door by 9am and on a bus to Salento with the kind of speed where you know you’ve not dressed yourself properly.  It’s a glorious day and freeing myself from the shackles of drink has me bouncing along like a fourteen year …

  • Caffine high

    I have no idea where I am when I open my eyes.  Then it dawns on me I’ve got to be up to look around a coffee plantation.  Finally I’m doing some touristy stuff.  The cold shower doesn’t dampen my spirits, because I don’t get in it.  I’d rather smell for the day. I’m picked …

  • Change of scene

    The sleep is an uneasy one to the point of I don’t know if I’ve actually slept at all.  I vaguely remember the revelers coming in, and it seems it’s only a few short hours later until I should be throwing back the garish blanket.  I’m staring at the wooden slats of the bunk above …

  • Trying to the last

    The Pit Stop hostel is once again full for a Saturday night.  There is the usual hub and bustle of excitement as guests arrive in numbers, all anticipating the club scene ahead.  Raised voices discussing tactics, plans, options, and pub crawls echo through the dorms, bar and court yard.  Where the girls are, the best …

  • The end of the chapter?

    I’ve known for a while that something about my recent lifestyle needs to change.  Today only seeks to emphasise this point.  I sleep horribly, with a nasty hangover and nothing to do but ride it out.  It’s all the fun of the fair when you’re living it up when the sun goes down, but boy …

  • Same ol’ same ol’

    I know, I know, I know.  I know I said last night was my last night out here, but tonight is actually my last night as I am planning on leaving tomorrow.  Nick, Jim and myself settle in for a few games of pool in the hostel bar.  It’s a ‘farewell Stuart’ sort of vibe …

  • We love Wednesday’s

    After having a few days recovery it’s time to get on it again.  I fully intend this to be my last night out in Medellin and the only reason I’ve stayed is because it’s the first of a new weekly club night organised by hostel buddies Jen, Kyla and Aphrodite Hana.  Naturally I need to …

  • What goes on in my head?

    I stumble out of a late showing of a film with ‘something sunrise’ as the title.  It’s a 24 hour movie and people are bedding down in the cinema isles with coffee and sleeping bags.  I don’t fancy it.  I climb into a classic convertible bottle green Jaguar and take off for a spin round …

  • Sleep-athon

    My system attempts a shut down and re-boot with a 20 hour sleep-athon.  Sometimes it just needs to happen.  A regular cycle recently has been sleeping all day, movies and internet all night.  Today I sleep all day and sleep all night.  Hopefully I’ll come up smiling Tuesday morning.

  • Shakey

    I crash out in my private room at around 11am.  This isn’t going to be pretty.  I’ve discarded the kilt in a heap and not even bothered to clear the crap off the bed, instead seeking to share with a load of travel items and toiletries.  They won’t mind.  It’s a bit of a dodgy …
