Author Archives: Stoo

  • Stealing

    While trying to find a clean T-shirt and rummaging around in my bag, it suddenly dawned on me I’ve had my best three tops stolen.  “All my best T’s go missing all the time” I’m nonchalantly informed by a friend.  One of these was a vintage Hendrix one, the kind that people always gave me …

  • Chillin’

    There’s nothing better than discovering a bunch of Aussies have taken over the T.V room to watch Trainspotting when the Champions League quarter final is on.  As luck would have it, Arsenal very nearly pulled back a 4-0 deficit to A.C Milan, scoring 3 goals in the first half.  None of this I saw, because …

  • No brainer

    Waking up into darkness and not being able to get back to sleep is never too much fun.  This I do at around 3 am, after only having gone to sleep 6 hours previous.  After then not having been to bed for 24 hours.  I’m all over the place.  I decide to calm my soul …

  • Ticking boxes

    It was only meant to be a couple of drinks as I left the hostel late last night with a bunch of Aussie dudes intent on causing damage in town.  I end up finally going to bed at 9pm the following night.  Tonight that is.  In between I manage to meet a crazy Polish guy, …

  • Guatepe and the large rock thing

    I’m woken by a noise I don’t recognise.  It takes me a few seconds to dawn on me that it’s my alarm clock I set last night!  I set it for 7am!  I’m awake!  And what’s this?  I’m getting out of bed!  I’m moving towards the bathroom to shower!  It’s a miracle. Actually I was …

  • Running out of titles

    I suppose going to bed again when the sun comes up means I won’t be leaving today either.  Somehow it’s happened again.  Why, dear god why?  Oh.  Yeah.  Booze.  I suppose the upside of going out last night means I stay in on Friday night.  Staying in on a Friday night means I have significantly …

  • Statement of intent

    White rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits.  So my mum said on the first day of the month for as long as I can remember.  This month in particular holds a lot of memories.  Not all of them good. I’m still in the hostel, dividing my time between watching movies, playing chess, ordering sushi, and sleeping.  …

  • Leap year

    This is the time when women can ask guys to marry them.  Also when that horrible, useless little month of February attempts to eek out it’s nasty, dull existence a day longer.  Thank goodness it’s almost over and summer is around the corner.  Of course it doesn’t really effect me as I’m still living in …

  • Unhappy hour. Ish

    Now I should really have left today, but quite frankly I want another bite at the cherry so to speak.  That and when my friend taps my leg awake I tell them to bugger off.  I went to bed around 9 and they want me up for 11.  It’s not going to happen.  The day …

  • Stagnant

    OK I don’t manage to leave today.  I might go tomorrow. Instead a new and very sociable crowd arrives and very nice folk they are too.  Oh who am I kidding; I stayed because of a girl.  It’s officially my last night in Medellin and I’m persuaded to don the kilt and accompany the new …
