Author Archives: Stoo

  • Another night on the tiles

    Trying my best to keep to the travel rule of two nights out, one night off, I’m failing miserably.  My body clock is all over the place, and I’m falling in with the new intake of party goers each night.  This evening is no exception. I did have a lovely pizza for dinner. It was …

  • Waster

    Itineraries change when you’re traveling.  The best laid plans and all that.  Now I don’t know if it’s me being incredibly lazy, or just every now and again I feel the need to actually not do anything, but this is my fourth day (I think) where I have not strayed further than the burger joint …

  • Fuck you cupid

    So here it is Merry Chris…no hang on.  That’s the other overly commercialised day of loneliness if you’re not with a partner who needs an excuse to tell you they love you.  I realised I glossed over my weekend in order to get to writing about today, so I could go through the utter crap …

  • Same as yesterday

    Only for some reason I’m tempted to go out, and my two days off rule is out the window.

  • Untitled for a reason

    Same shit, different day.

  • Years late to the party

    So after the debacle that was last nights gringo sausage fest, surely tonight will be better? At the moment I realise I’m spending far too much time and effort in clubs.  Not only am I pissing money up the wall, but I’m not really getting what I want.  It’s different over here.  Girls are certainly …

  • No kilts

    My laptop is meant to be fixed today, so with a bit of luck I can get back on top of my blog, and there won’t be too many entries like yesterday.  Still it means you’re not getting too bored, and you can scan through a few lines and get back to whatever really important …

  • A Blank

    Same as yesterday. Actually they could be one and the same day.  It’s all a little hazy.

  • Nothing

    Total write off.  I don’t do a thing today, and you know what?  I’m not sorry in the slightest.  I’m really enjoying putting the travel on hold for a while and getting back to the human race.  It’s nice to just wander in the sunshine doing very little at all. Actually I probably did do …

  • Head falling off

    After the sleep of champions, I take a wander into town, with the express interest of finding a place to fix my cracked laptop screen.  Now I’m not going to lie to you, apart from having no laptop, the reason I’m a week behind on my blog is because I’ve been getting larey every single …
