My feet are tickled awake by a new travel companion, who reminds me that we leave in an hour. I have developed a strict efficiency when it comes to getting packed, showered and ready to leave. Within minutes, I’m standing by the door demanding everyone else hurry up. After saying goodbyes to Miguel, who has …
Entertaining the locals
Feed me
It is with a no shame that I tell you I wake up at seven pm. This is after vaguely remembering Miguel laughing at me passed out fully clothed, various comments from a new intake of backpackers asking if I was alright, and throwing five bucks at a staff member to stay one more night. …
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There is a song by Damien Rice that goes something like this: “We might kiss when we are alone When nobody’s watching, I might take you home. We might make out, when nobody’s there It’s not that we’re scared, it’s just that it’s delicate.” That’s pretty much how I feel about kissing a girl. Or …
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An attraction to strings
A wonderful breakfast of fruit and pancakes cannot settle that feeling of dread in the depths of my stomach. I’ve booked a zip lining session in the rain forest canopies, but at this point in time I am still unsure if I will go through with it. I guess I’ll find out when I’m standing …
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Endless possibilities
This is more like it. On the move with pace and gusto. Sweating in the mid morning sun, striding for the bus station. I’m going to be meeting two friends from Norway, and along with my Swedish companion Jacob, we shall be heading down to Monteverde and into the cloud forest. As is typical with …
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It’s another day of learning Spanish, new songs on the guitar and practicing chess. I’m getting progressively worse at all three.
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Costa Rica!
We’re off…no…we’re not. It’s a typical border crossing day as we arrive at the fronteras. The holiday crowd are returning home with a vengeance. When I say queues, I’m talking about the mother of all people back ups. It snakes around the Costa Rican immigration booth and stretches into eternity. To top this, it’s baking …
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Avec glasses!
There is no such thing as platonic friendships. Just thought I’d share that pearl of wisdom with you. After having the debate over dinner with my amigo, and indeed after arguing the point with many a doubting Thomas, it’s about time it was put to bed once and for all. “I’m just going to speak …
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Sans glasses
Well there’s a turn up for the books. No glasses today either. What a surprise. In fact there is a chance that they won’t be ready until Saturday. With Tina’s indispensable help, she manages to persuade the assistant to ensure they are in the shop by tomorrow afternoon. Of course this means I won’t be …
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OK I’m literally going to rub it in by saying I’ve had another massage today. This was followed by a three hour workshop on how to make chocolate, which included making my own chocolate bar with coffee beans and almond shavings. MMmmmmm…coooffffeeeee beeeannnss… We’ve arrived at Granada’s famous chocolate museum. This is also home to …