So it appears to be going pretty well. I have managed to last three days without having a drink or a smoke. I’ve overloaded myself on healthy food and fruit smoothies. I have a lovely companion in the shape of a Dutch girl called Tina to hang around Granada with. The sun is shining, the …
T+3 no drink and smoking
The plan is to pick up my glasses, then head to Ometepe for some much needed R&R. The specs are not ready yet. The driver didn’t come down and will arrive tomorrow. Mañana, mañana. Always mañana. Who would have thought that it would all go so smoothly? As luck would have it, this typical twist …
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The stages of recovery
…this morning. Yes I’m still awake as I bundle myself into a taxi. I can’t be bothered waiting on a shuttle, or risking the chicken bus with potential kidnappers, considering the state I’m in. It’s time to get out of this crazy place and crash into a quiet hostel in Granada, ready to start some …
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The last man standing
Yes dear readers, it has finally arrived. This is (honestly) my last ever day in San Juan Del Sur. Tomorrow at some point, I will be leaving for Granada, on to Ometepe, then Costa Rica and away. Nicaragua will be a thing of the past. San Juan will move ever deeper into the memory banks, …
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Ticking by
It’s a slower life down in San Juan Del Sur. Nobody is in a rush. There’s been some crap things happen to me here, but it’s beginning to feel like home. I desperately need to leave. It’s getting bad when people are shouting your name across the street, beeping as they drive by, or yelling …
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The Surfing Donkey
Following a day of recovery, followed by another day of recovery for the night after the day of recovery, I find myself working in the Surfing Donkey Hostel. The hostel is the brainchild of an American merchant banker who happens to own a few establishments down in Nicaragua. My friend Cat just happens to be …
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New Years Day
Someone come and wash me. And bring me a kebab.
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Happy New Year
Here we go then, it’s finally at an end. This time last year I called my mum and told her 2011 would be a better year. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Dare I go out on a limb and say 2012 will be a significant improvement? The hostel is alive with activity, the town …
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Today was pretty much all about getting it over with. There is an electricity in the air that suggests tomorrow is going to really go off. There is a large amount of party options, including an exclusive beach event costing $120. To be honest I’m writing this after New Year and consequently I’m a few …
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The hour approaches
This morning I’m feeling a little better. Generally speaking. My liver is not feeling very good at all. I’m looking forward to the New Year so I can implement this self help, clean living period of my travels. Currently my system is screaming like a wailing banshee from the depths of hell to stop going …