I wonder if I’m running from something. Responsibility? Guilt? Regret? Is this my way of dealing with the events of the past four years? I’m not eating well, I’m drinking too much and I’m cavorting with “the wrong crowd”. I feel like a student again. I long for a packet of wafer thin reformed ham …
Chalk it up to experience
Delusions of grandeur
I’m a stinking, festering mess as I try to exist in the international phone booth. A shadow of a shadow. A nonentity bothering the human race by breathing good air. I’ve slept little. My head and heart too troubled from another epic fail. I feel like I’ve got cotton wool wrapped around my face. And …
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Does only god walk alone…?
I suppose it had to happen at some point. I have been pretty stupid in carrying a wallet in the first place, and keeping all my cards in it. Some kind soul buys me a pack of cigarettes. The nicotine does little to numb my almost overwhelming sense of self pity. With liquor fueling the …
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The morning after the night before the morning
I rise late, with no agenda and nobody to have an agenda with. I spend much of the day trying to relax at the hostel, or wandering into town. Suffice to say this will be one of the shorter entries. I did meet some nice people in the evening, and spent a few hours learning …
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The man in the greasy washroom mirror
You know those moments in the morning when you forget where you are? That didn’t happen. I was out of bed pretty much as soon as I awoke, packing my stuff and trying to reclaim a modicum of dignity and pride so readily dented in the early hours of the morning. I’m stammered some kind …
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The wheels come off
The day starts off well and with a lot of promise. It ends in a den of iniquity surrounded by boozed and drugged up morons with no moral fibres in their vacuous, wasteful, vapid, car crash existences. And alone. Always alone. Right. Here we go. Where to begin? How to lambast and tear into a …
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Yo apredno español. I think
Here goes nothing. Nerves rattling around my body I take the short walk to my school. In the morning I find myself helping with the English class. I have the pleasure of reading to the children, and then helping them with their work. Some of them already have an excellent grasp of English, which makes …
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Today I finally managed to do something productive. I dragged my sorry excuse of a carcass out of bed and wandered to a Spanish school that had caught my eye. Castle Xateva is a non-profit education and care centre, helping street kids and providing Spanish tuition. Every penny you pay for your accommodation and schooling …
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Gloss over this one
I wake up at night. Probably something to do with singing karaoke until 6am this morning. That was the only sun I saw today. I feel ashamed. I lazily wander through Granada’s streets, looking for somewhere to eat. After a gut busting black and blue burger ( for breakfast), I bump into fellow hostel people. …
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Note to self; don’t be hung over for a mammoth chicken bus journey. We’re squeezed into hot, sweaty, smelly buses on route to Granada. I know what a sardine feels like. Still they keep packing humans in. It’s going to be a long day. At every turn on our road trip, which detours to Managua …