Up with the lark to ride a horse? That’s the way I roll. I decided to get back on the beast and trek to a volcano. This beats sitting around on my arse all day trying to work up the courage to throw myself down dried lava. Our guide speeds us out of the city …
Back on the beast
Today was pretty insignificant, save for the fact I discovered what I want to do for the rest of my life. After an uneventful morning, I was wandering the Leon streets through a lazy afternoon, when we chanced upon a game of football. On a small, run down five-a-side concrete street pitch, boys of all …
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Chame…leon. See what I did there?
Another day of nothing. I feel like I’m boring the pants off of anyone foolhardy enough to be reading this. To be quite fair, there are going to be many days similar, and many times when I just need to relax. As fun as adventure and travel is, it doesn’t half knacker you out. I’m …
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Today I did nothing. Oh wait, no, I had a massage. Then I did nothing. And it felt soooo good I tell you. Sooooo good.
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Success. Sort of
Get my card back, have my kilt and backpack fixed with a needle and thread, and buy a Nicaragua flag sticker for my guitar. Such is the plan of action for today. We start with the sticker. I have my priorities in perfect order. Long story short, everything falls into place. For once. My card …
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Rolling out of bed sometime in the mid afternoon, I decide to be good to myself today and do nothing. That is until I realise my bank card is missing. Did it fall out somehow? Did the pretty girl from Leon fleece me as I bought a round of drinks? With a rush of blood …
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Culture by start contrast
I stumble onto the Tica bus at 5am after a night in the petrol station. This after the biggest scare of the evening was a shot gun toting security guard stepping out from behind a tree to say hello. Shot gun beats pepper spray. Note to guard; don’t step out from behind trees. The bus …
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We’re off! Get me away! Yes! The ferry is horrible again, but nonetheless it is bringing me to the sweet, sweet mainland, and finally off the devils own rock. A heavy day, night and day of travel lies ahead of us. Mike, myself and two friends we met in Antigua are undertaking something of an …
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Beaten. Totally beaten.
Another day on Utila. I was going to just leave it at that, for comic effect, but I decided to go into a little detail about how this island has actually beaten me. I shall refrain from labouring the point. I’ve been very ill for four days. I didn’t even manage to pass my basic …
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“The greatest day of a mans life!” someone shouted at me from across the bar the other night. This was after overhearing I had done my first open water dive. One of the greatest days of my life recently was farting in bed and it being only that. It appears the Imodium has done the …