Sleep in for the first time in what feels like weeks. Today we have nowhere to be and no ambulances to get there with. The future is a little uncertain, save that for the next few hours I’m going to be sleeping. I rise late, just in time to go tubing on the “frozen river” …
The ambulance that has been my home for the past 3 weeks leaves us today. Murray drives Chupacabra with myself in the co pilot seat for the last time. Today we visit the second hospital in Comayagua, and after washing the rally from her, we drive to the city to be greeted by the same …
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Journey’s end
Today the fruits of our labours grow ripe in the Honduran sun. We drive to Siguatapeque and deliver the first of the ambulances. The people here are warm, welcoming and in such desperate need of support and charity. They have very little, and when we see the smiling faces, feel the embraces and listen to …
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I awake bent out of shape, blinking in the sunlight, crammed into the front passenger seat. It’s not fun. We manage to locate where we were meant to be last night/this morning, and troop in, feeling like we’d slept in an ambulance. As luck would have it, the hostel is located round the corner, and …
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Border nightmare
I was terrified in the night. Simply terrified. I slept in my clothes, curled in a pathetic foetal position trying to wrap the mosquito blanket around me. I awoke several times to discover that the net had opened. I was convinced that numerous things were flying and crawling in the bed with me. The rest …
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Welcome to the Jungle!
After we finally leave the confines of Jungle Party, a few miles outside Antigua the ambulance blows the cam belt. Luckily we’re still able to get it back to the town, and bemused and amused faces await us as we return to the hostel for breakfast. It’s not as serious as first thought and we’re …
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The long wait
So we’re still here. The ambulance has not been fixed and we’re still in Antigua. The up side of this is we get to chill out for the day, and spend some more time with the friends we’ve made along the way. New opportunities present themselves at every turn. As much as it is wonderful …
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Sleep late to discover we’re not going anywhere today. The power steering pump is still not repaired which mean we’re stuck for another night at least. As a result, Murray has the notion to drive to and hike up Pacaya, one of the areas many active volcanos. We have also managed to gather a merry …
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Apparently someone crept into bed with a girl last night who shouldn’t have been there. I’m getting my first real impressions of hostel politics as the case is thrown into the open in an attempt to find out the perpetrator of the crime. The girl in question is not so much upset and alarmed …
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Um Bongo, Um Bongo!
We rise a little groggy from last night’s efforts, but the mood is upbeat, and the breakfast excellent. We don’t have much time to see the town, but we stop for some pictures at a charming square. My first impressions of Guatemala is a really striking, visual, colourful place. Structures, shacks and ramshackle dwellings litter …